domingo, 16 de setembro de 2007

Semana Europeia da Mobilidade em Lisboa

A Semana Europeia da Mobilidade arrancou em Lisboa com a participação do presidente da câmara municipal, António Costa, marcando presença num passeio de bicicleta.
Nas suas declarações existe a promessa de Lisboa deixar de ser uma cidade de automóvei com papel de destaque para a bicicleta.

4 comentários:

Dom Manuel III de Portugal disse...

Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum
Resistência Portuguesa Militar e Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----

Liberdade, Democracia, Justiça, Imprensa, Direitos Humanitários. Sim.
Ditaduras, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Tortura, Fome, Corrupção. Não Obrigado.
Peço Asilo Político, Dinheiro, Doente e Invalido com Fome em Tribunal com Dívidas.
Enviar dinheiro para a Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Sr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----

Se não pode impôr a paz, pode convencer pelo exemplo. -----

Peço Asilo Político. -----

Donativos para a Resistência Portuguesa Militar e Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Conta de Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº conta 233-691451.M1F --- Nº de cliente 233-691451 --- Iban CH21 0023 3233 691451M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Ou ---
Sr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. ---
Telefone: 0041 765 450 994. Comuniquem na Imprensa Mundial. Eu falo Português, E também Francês. -----
Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum
Résistance Portugaise Militaire et Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----

Liberté, Démocratie, Justice, Presse, Droits Humanitaires. Oui.
Dictatures, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Torture, Faim, Corruption. Non Merci.
Je demande Asile Politique, l'argent, le malade et l'invalide avec la faim devant le tribunal avec des dettes.
Envoyer argent pour l'Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Mr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----

Si ne peut pas imposer la paix, peut convaincre par l'exemple. -----

Je demande Asile Politique. -----

Donations pour la Résistance Portugaise Militaire et Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Compte d'Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº de compte 233-691451.M1F --- Nº de client 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Ou ---
Mr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. ---
Téléphone: 0041 765 450 994. Communiquent dans la Presse Mondiale. Je parle Portugais, Et aussi Français. -----
Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum
Widerstand Portugiesisches Militärisches und Zivilist Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----

Freiheit, Demokratie, Justiz, die Presse, Humanitäre Rechte. Ja.
Diktaturen, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Tortur, Hunger, Bestechung. Nein Danke.
Ich verlange politisches Asyl, das Geld, Kranke und Invalide mit dem Hunger vor dem Gericht mit Schulden.
Senden Geld für Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Herr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. -----

Wenn nicht aufdrängen kann der Frieden, kann durch das Beispiel überzeugen. -----

Ich verlange politisches Asyl. -----

Schenkungen für den Widerstand Portugiesisches Militärisches und Zivilist Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Compte d'Épargne UBS CHF --- N° des Kontos 233-691451.M1F --- Nº des Kunden 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. --- Oder ---
Herr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. ---
Telefon: 0041 765 450 994. Teilen in der weltweiten Presse mit. Ich spreche Portugiesisch, Und auch Französisch. -----
Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum
Resistance Portuguese Military and Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----

Freedom, Democracy, Justice, The Press, Humane Rights. Yes.
Dictatorships, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Torture, Hunger, Corruption. Not Thank You.
I ask for Political asylum, Money, Sick and Invalid with Hunger in Court with Debts.
To send money for the Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Sir. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----

If it can not impose peace, can convince by example. -----

I ask for Political asylum -----

Donations for the Resistance Portuguese Military and Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Account of Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº of account 233-691451.M1F --- Nº of customer 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Switzerland. --- Or ---
Sir. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. ---
Telephone: 0041 765 450 994. Communicate in the World Press. speak Portuguese, And also French. -----

Anónimo disse...


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